

Black Harm Reduction Today

January 31, 2021

•”Harm reduction strategies have historically been unwelcomed in Black communities.

•Peer- and street-based naloxone programs can penetrate underserved communities.

•Peer programs can empower marginalized groups to combat race-based stereotypes.

•Geographically and experientially derived credibility are key tools of engagement.”

Harm Reduction at a grassroots level and acceptance of Harm Reduction practices in ACB (African/Caribbean/Black) communities can be part of the solution to save ACB lives.

Grassroots organizations are working to change the landscape of Harm Reduction in Black communities in Canada. There is a future rooted in community organizing! The Black Indigenous Harm Reduction Alliance is a group of community workers of diverse experience who wish to draw attention to the need for access to self-determined and holistic health services within Black and Indigenous communities. Check out their amazing work at https://www.blackindigenousharmredux.org/
A great way to be a part of the Harm Reduction movement is to learn how to use Naloxone and carry it with you everywhere. Join the fight to save lives, find out where to get a Naloxone kit near you: https://www.ontario.ca/page/where-get-free-naloxone-kit

For more on the Black History of Harm Reduction, visit www.aidsnetwork.ca/blackhistory